
“Holy Family Catholic Academy sees technology as a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. Seamlessly embedding a variety of technology into our coursework clearly enhances student learning.”
 Kate O’Brien, Principal

Holy Family Catholic Academy elevates our nationally and internationally recognized curriculum and instruction with a wide array of technology, tools, and resources. HFCA’s goal is to enhance students’ learning by integrating technology routinely and transparently into the curriculum. Technology is reserved for opportunities when it is truly beneficial for learning. In 3rd grade, students begin to use technology to extend, support, and communicate their learning.
HFCA also takes seriously the importance of teaching students to use technology responsibly.  We are approved as a Common Sense School, by Common Sense Media, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources that help teach responsible digital citizenship skills. These skills are essential as we use technology to promote critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.  
  • Technology is a daily teaching tool and resource. Research and information fluency is integral to our students’ education. HFCA implements technology to extend, support, and communicate their learning. This includes:
    • teaching students to access, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
    • differentiating learning so all students are appropriately challenged.
    • encouraging personal productivity, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in the classroom and in daily life.
    • fostering student engagement so students begin to take more control over their own learning, encouraging student-centered project-based learning.
  • New technology integration emerges as our teachers attend professional development, share ideas and knowledge, and explore the endless possibilities of creative implementation. Examples include online learning, project-based activities, game-based learning and assessment, coding skills, student-created media presentations, and collaborative learning sites such as Google Docs and Wikis.
  • HFCA's dedicated Technology Coach collaborates with our faculty to identify relevant technology that differentiates instruction and enhances our rigorous curriculum. 
  • All classrooms have wireless Internet connections and are equipped with interactive projectors.
  • Technology is readily available and accessible for the learning task at hand. HFCA utilizes multiple platforms and devices to ensure our students are fluent in a wide range of devices and software.
    • Grades K-2: iPads are introduced to support the curriculum and learning to achieve the learning goals for our youngest students. Read more:
    • Grades 3-8 are introduced to cloud computing through the use of 1:1 Chromebooks. Students also have access to iPads.

Click here to view a video made by 6th graders that incorporate social studies, math, science, and faith.