Transdisciplinary Learning
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world beyond. The goal is to support students’ learning of our global world and to function comfortably within it.
The IB framework presents learning within transdisciplinary themes that explore globally significant issues.
- Transdisciplinary learning applies the knowledge gained in one subject or discipline to another, different discipline.
- Thematic learning helps students understand the connection of ideas across subject areas leading to a deeper, more meaningful understanding.
- The themes are taught using inquiry-based learning which encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent research skills.
- HFCA’s special subject faculty (music, art, PE, and Spanish) are also trained in the IB framework and collaborate with classroom teachers to develop lessons that connect different subject areas to the theme.
These graphics illustrate HFCA’s transdisciplinary approach to learning.
Grade 2 Transdisciplinary Unit

Preschool Transdisciplinary Unit

As an International Baccalaureate World School, our special classes (Art, Music, PE, and Spanish) are incorporated into the study of our IB Units and also used to reinforce our IB Learner Profile attributes. In the Beautiful Ooops Art Project, students demonstrated being open-minded by embracing mistakes as opportunities for creativity and innovation. They also became courageous risk-takers in experimenting with unexpected outcomes and turning errors into unique artistic expressions.